Monday, May 31, 2010

Top 7 Tourist Attractions of Delhi, India

Tourist  Attractions of Delhi Qutb Minar, Delhi Humayun Tomb, Delhi Red Fort, Delhi Jama Masjid, Bahai House, Lotus temple, Lakshmi Narayan temple, Delhi Birla Temple, Delhi India GateAncient Delhi has a rich history. During the last excavations in the ruined fortifications of the Purana Quila, an old fort was discovered. From that discovery, it was assessed that the city foundation dates back to 1200 B.C. and is identical with the Indraprastha, the legendary metropolis of the Aryans. The first historic records come however from the 11th century A.D., when the Rajput princes had their seat in the city. In the 12th century, Islamic invaders invaded Delhi. Prithviraj Chauhan, the last Hindu king who ruled in Delhi was killed in 1192 in a battle. From this time to the British colonial reign ruled Muslim rulers.

While in Delhi, you need to visit some of the ancient monuments and architectures that blends with new architecture within the city.

1.Red Fort, Delhi

Tourist  Attractions of Delhi_www.wonders-world007

Red fort of Delhi was added in 2007 to UNESCO’s world cultural heritage list. The red fort is the largest building of Delhi and one of the city’s major tourist attractions. Completed after 9 years of construction during 1648, not only does it resemble the fort in Agra, but it was constructed after the Mughal capital shifted from Agra to Delhi. The fort is imposing with its mile-long wall and octagonal form. Up to 1857, it served as the residence for the Mughal Emperors. You will enter the fort through the powerful Lahore Gate and you’ll pass the many souvenir shops that line the route to the old Meena Bazaar, which was operated by the socially higher state women of the Mughal court.

2.Humayun Tomb, Delhi

Tourist  Attractions of Delhi

The tomb of Humayun—the second Mughal Emperor who ruled from 1508 to 1556-- was nominated by UNESCO in 1993 to its list of world cultural heritages. This tomb was the first Mughal tomb and set the “look” for future Mughal tombs which combined the mausoleum and garden into one complex. This tomb was the first garden tomb of India, and also served as an example for the Taj Mahal in Agra. Humayun’s widow Hamida Begum led the erection of the tomb in 1562, after the death of her husband, Mughal Emperor Jehangir, and it was completed after 9 years of construction with the help of Persian master builders.

3.Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi

Qutb  Minar monuments, india

The Qutb complex is a terrain in Delhi, where the ruins of the first mosque constructed by the Muslim after the conquest of the city during the year 1200 stands. The main parts of this complex are the Qutb Minar (the minaret of this mosque), Alai Minar, Quwwat-ul-Islam-Mosque as well as the famous iron pillar. Qutb complex is supposed to be the first Muslim construction on Indian land. Since 1993, Qutb Minar and its monuments have been listed as one of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage sites.

4.Jama Masjid

Jama Masjid Tourist  Attractions of Delhi

India’s largest mosque - and the third largest of the world--is praised as the most beautiful of all mosques. Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, the builder of the Taj Mahal, led the construction of the imposing Friday mosque around 1650 (completed in 1656) for its new capital Shahjanabad (today Old Delhi). It is made of black and white marble as well as red sandstone, with a 90-square-foot wide courtyard, double-story gates, and a double-span prayer hall with eleven arches. Under these arches, Muslim relics are preserved, of which the most precious are a hair from Mohammed’s beard, his sandals and a footprint. The main prayer hall in the inner courtyard is crowned by three onion-shaped marble domes. A magnificent view from one of the two 120-foot-high minarets acclaims the original name of the mosque "the mosque with the view of the world" (Masjid-i-Jahanuma).

5.Bahai House of Worship (Lotus temple)

Bahai House Tourist  Attractions of Delhi Lotus temple

Completed during 1986, the rotunda with nine entrances and a cupola is a meditation place for the international Bahai religious community. The building is built in the shape of Lotus flower out of white marble. The temple compound is 5 miles long, with a diameter of 150 square feet and a height of over 90 feet.

6.Lakshmi Narayan temple

Birla temple in Delhi

Lakshmi Narayan temple in Delhi also popularly known as ‘Birla Temple’, is dedicated to the Goddess Lakshmi (goddess of fortune) and to her husband Narayan, an incarnation of God Vishnu (known as world preserver); and to Durga (main goddess), to Hanuman (monkey god), to Krishna (incarnation of Vishnu), and to Shiva. The temple contains a Buddhist prayer room. This temple was built by a millionaire industrialist family Birla in 1938, one of the financial supporters of the independence movement. Birla did not build his temple out of the precious colorful sandstone, but rather out of brick which was then plastered. Unfortunately, you cannot photograph the interior of the temple. You will discover inside the temple magnificently decorated life-size statues of the divinity. In the temple, music was also played. The temple compound was inaugurated in 1939 by Mahatma Gandhi. He lived in the nearby Birla-house.

7.India Gate

India Gate Attractions of Delhi

India Gate is located at the eastern end of the Raj path. It is a warrior memorial for Indian soldiers, who were killed during the First World War as members of the British army at the northwest border of Afghanistan. The foundation stone of India Gate was laid down by Lord Connaught in 1921 and it was designed by architect Edwin Lutyens. The walls of the India Gate carry the names of 85,000 soldiers who died in the war. To honor them, an eternal flame burns around the clock with clarified butter.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

20 Twitter Pick Up Lines | 2010 Twitter one Liners

1. You sound kind of dumb on Twitter, but I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself in person.

2. (in reply to her posting a cute cat picture) That cat's adorable but nowhere near as cute mine. You should come check her out sometime.

3. (in reply to a drunk tweet) Whoa! Don't Drink-n-Tweet. Not unless I'm there drinking and tweeting with you.

4. You look cute and seem interesting but all your tweets make you sound pretty boring. Two out of three aint bad. (let her reply, "Hey, I'm not boring!" and you respond "Prove it!")

5. (in reply to an "Eating sushi right now" tweet) You're sick! Can you stop making sex jokes over Twitter? This is not the forum. (she'll reply "I wasn't being sexual!" and you keep acting like you don't believe her)

6. You're on twitter an awful lot. I'm sorry you don't have any friends in the real world. (keep playfully teasing her for a few rounds and then ask if she wants to meet up)

7. Ha! Your profile picture is using a Myspace angle. You must either be fat or really confident. (will prod her to saying she's confident... women love being goaded into complimenting themselves)

8. You're a little know-it-all on here. Okay, what do I do for a living? If you get it wrong, you have to take me to dinner. (if she gets it right, you take her dinner... win, win!)

9. Your tweets belay your old soul. Here's hoping you don't have old-looks too.

10. (Tweet your phone number) Shit, I just sent you my number on accident. Can you call it so I can talk to you and make sure I didn't just send my # to a creep.

11. Dude, I have the craziest story, but I can't share it on Twitter. What's your #, I'll call you and tell you about it.

12. How old's that profile picture? It looks like it was taken in the 90s. (She'll send a new one and you keep saying the pictures look old until she agrees to meet)

13. You seem really cool on here. I'd totally hang out with you in person if I wasn't afraid you were a creepy stalker. (she says she's not one... push that button for a few rounds and then say, "okay fine, let's meet but only in public")

14. You Tweet about EVERYTHING. I'd be into hanging out but I'm afraid you'd blab about us on Twitter. (she says she won't, then you take that as a tacit agreement to meet up)

15. I don't think you're old enough to be on here. I'm not sure you can hang with the big boys.

16. Before you ask, no I will not send nude pictures of myself. I don't know you!

17. I feel like I should be really into you, but I'm not. What's wrong?

18. (after Twitter goes down) Dude, they tracked the Twitter outage to your account. Stop crashing Twitter! (keep blaming her, if she buys it, say she can make up for it by going on a date)

19. (She "follows" you) Yo, stop stalking me online! (she'll say she's not stalking you and probably unfollow you... reply "Whoa, now you've hurt my feelings... I've just had people play with me on here before" Then tell her a story about a chick playing with your emotions on Twitter... keep pushing for her to reply, "I wouldn't do that!"... then you're in)

20. I'm switching to a new account and I told all the cool people what it is. You think you can hang? (she'll say she doesn't care at first, then she'll beg to prove herself... then on the new account, you're in)

World's Beautiful Place on Earth

Beach aka Shipwreck Cove on Zakynthos Island, Greece. One of the World's most beautiful places on the planet.

The most commonly accepted story regarding the wreck of the Panagiotis maintains that she spent the later part of her life as a smuggler ship. In 1980 (during a time of record population lows on the island of Zakynthos), Panagiotis was making her way from Turkey with a freight of contraband cigarettes (for the Italian Mafia, as some versions of the story assert). The crew was suspected by authorities, and so the Panagiotis was pursued by the Greek Navy. Encountering stormy weather, she ran aground in a shallow cove to the north of Porto Vromi, where the crew abandoned ship to evade the pursuing Navy. To this day, she remains at the site which is now called "Navagio" for the Greek "shipwreck." Beautifully Coloured Beaches in our world

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