Here we have a collection of Beautiful Looking Paper Weights for you to choose from, so what's your choice? Just one other thing, if you run a paperless office then you still can't just skip past this one!
Blue World Paperweight:
(Image credit: darwinbell).Cobalt Paperweight:
(Image credit: cobalt).Transparent Paperweight:
(Image credit: tracyhughes).Blue and Yellow Paper Weight:
(Image credit: bungoglass).Large Blue Moon Paper Weight 5

Dichro Paperweight:

EachPaper Weight is Unique in the Colors that will come forth from the Artists Creation. Each Paper Weight is Signed and Dated by the Artist."
Transatlantic Sail Paperweight:
(Image credit: museumstorecompany).Earth in Space Paperweight:
(Image credit: 1ststoptravelstore).Amber Crafts-Paperweight:
(Image credit: jingya88).Acrylic Paperweight:
(Image credit: ebay).Zimmerman - Owl Paperweight:
(Image credit: portiapaperweights).Seahorse And Marine Vines Paperweight:
(Image credit: rafa).Paperweight with Double Foil Flower:
These paperweights were made from the 1830s up to sometime early 20th century.
Tropical fish Paperweight:
(Image credit: rafa).Honeycomb and Honeybees Paperweight:
(Image credit: thefreedictionary).Rick Ayotte Fruit Paperweight:

Taracco Carpet Ground Paperweight:

Personalized Paperweight:
(Image credit: ehow).Airplane Paperweight:
(Image credit: museumstorecompany).Superhero Paperweight:
Cobalt Paperweight, Blue World Paperweight, Transparent Paperweight, Blue and Yellow Paper Weight, Large Blue Moon Paper Weight, Dichro Paperweight, Transatlantic Sail Paperweight, Earth in Space Paperweight, Amber Crafts-Paperweight, Acrylic Paperweight, Paperweight with Double Foil Flower, Tropical fish Paperweight, Taracco Carpet Ground Paperweight, Airplane Paperweight