The cells lining the stomach secrete a layer of mucus to protect against the acidic gastric juices

These match-like structures are found in the brain and secrete a substance that cushions the brain and spinal cord against shock.

Rose petals scattered on a scarlet divan? This is actually the lining of the rectum

These crystals may look pretty, but the kidney stones they form can be extremely painful to pass through the urine.

This bead-like structure with its projecting legs is a nerve cell. It sends signals and commands to and from the brain.

This dirty-looking surface is actually a healthy tooth. The cells in the green layer produce enamel, which protects the tooth.

A cross section of a piece of carpet? This is actually the small intestine where food is digested.

Here the blood cells are traveling along a vein within the liver. The images are provided by the Science Photo Library.

The surface of the tongue is rough due to these paillae, which contain the taste buds and send tactile information to the brain